Human Orangutan Coexistence – Question of the month #9

Question #9

Isn’t it best to just translocate* orangutans to another forest far away from any plantations or villages?
*translocate = to move an animal from one place to another usually far away

Bukankah ia lebih baik untuk memindahkan orang utan ke Kawasan hutan kain yang jauh dari ladang sawit ataupun Kawasan perkampungan ?
Translokasi = pemindahan haiwan dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, biasanya jauh dari tempat ia ditemui.



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Downloadable outreach materials on this website are carefully created by Orang Juga for educational purposes to inform and offset persistent misconceptions about orangutans, macaques other primates, and the subjects of co-existence and conflict with wildlife. They are available for use as produced with proper credit. They may not be used in an derivative form. That is they may not be edited, excerpted, or repurposed.


August 2023